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Family Learning

The Even Start Family Learning Programs of Middletown Adult Education recognize that parents are their children's first and most important teacher. We support this by bringing parents in need of adult education and their children together to share the excitement and joy of learning.

Our NAEYC accredited Even Start Family Learning program is a unique early preschool program combined with adult education. It provides early childhood education and adult academic instruction. It also reinforces the parent-child relationship and enhances parenting skills through a variety of services and components.

The Even Start Family Learning Program offers:


  • Parenting skills
  • Parent support groups
  • Community services for families
  • College and career services

Adult High School

  • Adult High School credit classes
  • Online classes
  • Credit for documented life and work experiences

GED (Equivalency Test)

  • Connecticut high school diploma
  • Classes and practice tests
  • Registration center

Adult Basic Education

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Math

English as a Second Language

  • Language instruction
  • Cultural adjustment
  • Citizenship classes

Early Childhood Classes

  • Infant to age 3 (Even Start)
  • Developmentally appropriate early childhood curriculum

Parents & Children Together

  • Interactive literacy activities
  • Family field trips

Head Start Collaboration

  • Coordinated curriculum
  • Parent and child transition

For more information, call (860) 343-6044.